Pool Water Testing

At Pool Satisfaction, we understand that maintaining a clean and perfectly balanced pool is crucial for your and your family’s enjoyment and safety. That’s why we are dedicated to providing you with accurate and reliable pool water testing services that help maintain the overall health of your pool.


Ways to Test Your Pool

There are three widely used ways to do a pool water test, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. These testing methods include:

Pool Test Strips

Test strips are the most convenient and affordable option for on-site spot testing. All we need to do is dip the strip into the pool water and observe the colour changes that occur. These colour changes serve as indicators for various parameters such as chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and more.

Liquid Test Kits

Especially useful for monitoring the pool's chlorine levels and achieving the desired balance, liquid test kits involve the addition of specific chemical reagents to water samples. While this method requires more time and effort than test strips, they provide more accurate results.

With Pool Professionals

For a more detailed report on your pool water condition, leave it to the team at Pool Satisfaction. Our comprehensive in-store water testing offers accurate results with a quick turnaround time. We also offer expert recommendations based on the findings to resolve persistent water quality issues.

Our Testing Process

Regular testing is the key to preventing cloudy pool water and maintaining a safe and healthy swimming environment for you and your loved ones. At Pool Satisfaction, we follow a simple yet effective pool water testing process that ensures reliable results.

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Sample Collection

Our testing process begins by carefully collecting water samples from various areas of your pool, encompassing both the surface and a few feet below. This meticulous sampling is vital as it allows us to assess the overall condition of your entire pool.

Pool Water Test

We’ll then conduct the testing process with state-of-the-art equipment. Our highly trained technicians will meticulously examine the samples using a range of specialised tests and techniques.

Results Analysis

Upon test completion, our skilled technicians will carefully analyse the results, taking into account various essential parameters. Based on the results, we will craft a personalised pool maintenance plan to rejuvenate and maintain your pool’s health.


Common Questions About Our Pool Water Testing Services

From the testing process to results and everything in between, this section will shed light on the common enquiries about our pool water testing services. If you have other questions that have not been covered below, reach out to us via our contact page. Our dedicated team is more than happy to assist you and provide you with the all information you need.

  • How Often Should I Test My Pool Water?

    We recommend testing your pool water at least once a week during the swimming season to ensure proper chemical balance. However, factors like weather conditions and water quality may affect the suggested testing frequency.

  • Why Is Regular Pool Water Testing Important?

    Green pool water is a big no-no. Regular testing help can maintain optimal water clarity, prevent algae growth, ensure effective sanitation, and extend the lifespan of your pool equipment. As well as promoting a safer swimming environment for you and your family, scheduled testing can provide peace of mind and enhance the overall enjoyment of your pool.

  • What parameters should be tested?

    To ensure the optimal quality and balance of your pool water, it is crucial to test various parameters. At Pool Satisfaction, our comprehensive pool water test analyses the following aspects of your pool:

    • Chlorination
    • pH level
    • Total alkalinity (TA)
    • Bromine pH
    • Calcium hardness
    • Magnesium hardness
    • Cyanuric acid (stabiliser)
    • Total dissolved solids
    • Metal
  • How Long Does a Pool Water Test Take?

    The duration of a pool water test depends on the testing method used. Test strips provide quick results in a matter of seconds, while liquid test kits may take a few minutes. At Pool Satisfaction, we offer reliable pool water testing services with a quick turnaround time. Reach out today for a personalised testing solution!

  • Can I Perform Pool Water Testing Myself?

    Performing pool water testing yourself is possible with the right knowledge and reliable testing methods. However, for complex issues or if you prefer professional guidance, seeking assistance from pool service professionals like our dedicated technicians is advisable.

  • What Is the Ideal pH for Pool Water?

    The ideal pH level for pool water is between 7.2 and 7.8. To raise the pH level, we add soda ash. To lower the pH level, we add muriatic acid or sodium bisulphate.

  • What Is the Ideal Chlorine Level for Pool Water?

    The ideal chlorine level is between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm). To raise the chlorine level, we add chlorine shock. To lower the chlorine level, allow the chlorine to dissipate naturally or add a chlorine neutraliser.

Request a Water Test

Don't let water worries dampen your swimming fun - contact Pool Satisfaction today and make a splash with confidence! Trust in our expertise and experience as we provide you with tailored advice to maintain the pristine state of your pool.

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